The RACP Foundation:
collaborating for a better tomorrow
Since the establishment of the RACP in 1938, research and education have been its prime focus areas. The Research and Education Foundation was set up in 1991 to support this cause by generating funding for medical research. In 2012, it was rebranded the RACP Foundation to reinforce the College’s strong commitment to increasing the support offered to its Fellows and trainees.
Today, the enduring goals of the RACP Foundation are to better the health of all Australians and New Zealanders by furthering tomorrow’s medicine today. As the philanthropic arm of the RACP, the Foundation awards fellowships, scholarships, grants and prizes to those who strive to improve the healthcare we all receive.
Quite early in its journey, the Foundation discovered that partnerships were a way to increase its reach and resources. Fostering collaboration with like-minded organisations helped augment the pool of funds to support RACP Fellows and trainees and widen its reach. These are mutually beneficial partnerships. The partnering organisation receives a platform to reach the RACP membership, complete administration support from the Foundation and, in some cases, its funding is matched by the College. In turn, the Foundation benefits from the additional funds, an increase in the number of awards it can offer, and endorsement of its work by the partner organisation.
Annually, up to 20 joint awards are conferred across three main research categories. This number does not include those offered by the RACP Faculties, Chapters, or Regional Committees. The Jacquot Awards, which are offered across several categories, are funded by a bequest co-administered with the Australia and New Zealand Society of Nephrologists (ANZSN). The Foundation provides full administrative support for these awards – it helps with promotion, processes applications ensuring eligibility, manages the review process, and actions the decisions made by the Grants Advisory Committee in determining the recipients.
Most of these joint awards are in the Research Establishment category, where applicants must be within seven years of receiving their higher research degree. Each award may also have specific criteria, with most of the Specialty Society Awards requiring applicants to be members of both the Society and the RACP.
Partnerships such as those with the Diabetes Australia Trust, the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation, and the Jacquot are historical. More recently, the Australia and New Zealand Association of Neurologists (ANZAN) established the ANZAN Indigenous Scholarship for Advanced Trainees in Neurology.
Below are the awards currently being offered by the RACP Foundation, in collaboration with external organisations. The Foundation is grateful for their contribution and support over the years.
RACP MAIC Research Establishment Fellowship
Up to AUD$60,000
The Jacquot Research Establishment Fellowship
Up to AUD$90,000
Barbara Cameron Australian Rheumatology Association Research Establishment Fellowship
Up to AUD$50,000
Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation Research Establishment Fellowship
Up to AUD$60,000
RACP Australian Diabetes Society Research
Establishment Fellowship
Up to AUD$50,000
RACP Bayer Australia Medical Research
Establishment Fellowship
Up to AUD$50,000
RACP Diabetes Australia Research
Establishment Fellowship
Up to AUD$50,000
RACP Endocrine Society of Australia Research
Establishment Fellowship in Endocrinology
Up to AUD$50,000
RACP/Foundation for High Blood Pressure
Research Establishment Fellowship
Up to AUD$50,000
The Servier Staff 'Barry Young' Research
Establishment Fellowship
Up to AUD$50,000