RACP Congress 2022: A Climate for Change
RACP Congress 2022: A Climate for Change
Join us at the RACP Congress 2022 – the largest annual multi-disciplinary internal medicine meeting in Australasia and the premier event on the RACP calendar. The Congress offers RACP Fellows, trainees, and medical specialists the opportunity to come together to discuss the latest research and advancements in medicine, and attend workshops in their area of expertise.
Join us at the RACP Congress 2022 – the largest annual multi-disciplinary internal medicine meeting in Australasia and the premier event on the RACP calendar. The Congress offers RACP Fellows, trainees, and medical specialists the opportunity to come together to discuss the latest research and advancements in medicine, and attend workshops in their area of expertise.
The last few years have been challenging for society, but also for the medical community which has born much of the strain and frustration caused by COVID-19. The prolonged nature of the pandemic has highlighted inequalities across a broad spectrum of society and there is little to suggest that anyone wishes to return to the status quo.
This has led to the pressing question of who will decide what changes are needed and what should be done first? It is this and many other questions that RACP Congress 2022, a climate for change, seeks to address. What is the role of specialists during this time of upheaval, and with limited resources available, what are the priorities?
For three days, Melbourne will play host to an event packed with sessions and experts trying to navigate these tempestuous waters and answer these questions. Certainly, there are areas where progress has been made, but there are no simple answers, and the only true lasting solutions will come from considered thought and leadership.
Hear from experts who have been vocal across a range of issues including COVID, refugees, mental health, and the wellbeing of those most at risk. Explore the strides that have been made in technology; particularly how telehealth and digital communications has enabled specialists to engage safely with patients. Explore how the use of technology has improved knowledge sharing and built stronger networks of discussion.
Another year of COVID. Where do we stand and where do we go from here?
COVID continues to dominate discussion and recent challenges suggest that it shows little sign of receding from the public consciousness any time soon. To help keep you up to date with what is happening regarding this important topic, RACP Congress is proud to present a series of informative sessions that explore the topic of COVID – from the disease itself, to the societal impacts of the pandemic.
COVID-19, a global game changer, features a panel of world leaders in the battle against disease. This must-see panel discussion will explore the inequitable spread of COVID-19 in areas of dense population. They will look at how limited mitigation capacity due to high prevalence of chronic conditions or poor access to high quality public health and medical care disproportionally affects the poor, minorities, and a broad range of vulnerable populations. Moreover, the collateral effects of the pandemic due to the global economic downturn, social isolation and movement restrictions are unequally affecting those in the lowest power strata of societies.
The impact of the pandemic on the health of Australians aims to address three key areas: the impact of COVID-19 on cancer screening and delayed diagnosis, delaying surgery and how this impacts the health of patients and their mental health and wellbeing, and its impact on the overall health of Australians.
The Policy and Advocacy team looks at the best ways to navigate ethical tensions during a pandemic in the session, Tired of COVID? Aren’t we all? Transparency and clarity are components of the ethical process of decision making for individuals and the wider population. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge us all in different ways and tensions develop in health, communities, and individually. There are important lessons to be learned from our experiences over the past two years, which this session will confront.
Local problems, local solutions
Recognising that there is rarely a one size fits all solution, the Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland satellite day features focused sessions that explore issues facing Aotearoa New Zealand. This face-to face event includes live streamed sessions from Melbourne, so people who want to join their colleagues in local face-to-face sessions can also enjoy everything the Melbourne sessions have to offer.
Add a few feathers to your quiver
Workshops, updates and research have always been at the heart of RACP Congress and this year is no different. Along with the ever-popular Educational Leadership and Management (SPDP) workshop and trainee research awards, RACP Congress will also explore Digital health and low-value care, Opportunities, and limitations, as seen through the Evolve lens. This session will address low value care and digital health, along with the potential proliferation of low-value care that stems from the uptake of poorly designed or improperly targeted digital solutions.
You can still earn your CPD credits with a virtual ticket
Purchase a virtual ticket and earn your CPD credits in your own time. The growing popularity of virtual tickets, both as a means of attending RACP Congress and earning CPD credits, along with six months access to the recorded sessions will allow you the flexibility to enjoy Congress your way.
Register now www.racpcongress.com.au
Register now www.racpcongress.com.au