RACP upcoming events
RACP upcoming events
For more comprehensive information on the latest events visit
AFRM NSW Lecture Series and
Bi-National Training Program
AFRM oversees two RACP specialty programs in Rehabilitation Medicine: General Rehabilitation Medicine and Paediatric Rehabilitation Medicine. We support our trainees to become competent, self-directed, lifelong learners with the professional skills and expertise to work with people with a wide variety of disabilities and improve their future outcomes.
The topic for Wednesday, 30 March 2022 is: Cancer pain management and communicating prognosis and end of life issues.
Date: Wednesday, 30 March at 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Location: Online (AEDT)
More information is available on the event registration webpage.
AFOEM Annual Training Meeting 2022
You are invited to join us for The Australasian Faculty of Occupational Medicine (AFOEM) Annual Training Meeting (ATM), which will be held on Saturday, 14 May to Monday, 16 May 2022, in conjunction with RACP Congress.
The ATM is open to all AFOEM trainees and Faculty members and we particularly encourage trainees to attend, as it will be a great opportunity to learn, network and ask questions pertaining to your training requirements.
Date: Saturday, 14 May at 8:30am to
Monday, 16 May 2022 at 5:00pm
Location: Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, VIC
More information is available on the event registration webpage.
RACP Congress 2022
RACP Congress 2022 brings together a packed program to explore what specialists can do to bring about positive change and the best approaches to achieve this.
Hear from Keynote speaker, Dr Sandro Demio as he draws on his background and personal experiences in the session: Health promotion helping to rebuild a healthy population. We explore what more we can be doing in the session: Improving workforce and support for rural and remote communities and reflect of lessons in COVID-19, a global game changer.
There are several ticket options available to make Congress work for you. Whether you're attending in-person in Melbourne, want a virtual pass, or can only attend part of the event, we've got an option for you.
Date: Thursday, 12 May at 9am to
Saturday, 14 May at 5pm
Location: Melbourne, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland and online
More information is available on the event registration webpage.