Goal six
Prioritising collaborative workspaces
Architecture reflects culture, which is why the College has invested in optimum design and user experience for our new office spaces. There’s space for staff and members, with the understanding that some of the best work is done collaboratively.
The workplace design reflects a huge shift in the culture of working and the transition to flexible work. We know members may not always choose to come into our facilities, but when they do, it is essential the space they walk into is conducive to creativity and collaboration. We extend that same thinking to our office spaces, ensuring our staff members feel a sense of collaboration and comradery which is difficult to capture through remote work.
We expect to transition into our buildings in Sydney and Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington in 2023.As a practical and financial business decision, the College has committed to reducing our commitment to office space. We’ve reduced our office space by two floors, a business decision that demonstrates our acceptance of an evolving culture of flexible work arrangements. Decisions like these put value and money back into the College’s bank account so we can invest in spaces that work best for our members.