RACP Annual Report 2022
© 2023 The Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Goal two
Indigenous Strategic Framework(ISF) for our workforce
One of the key priorities for the College is to grow and support the Indigenous physician workforce.
We are determined to develop and implement strategies to increase completion rates for the Indigenous medical workforce with the aim of future population parity. In particular, the College seeks to develop training and selection policies designed to bolster and retain the Indigenous workforce by:
a. developing a Selection into Training Policy to support growth in the Indigenous physician workforce and culturally safe selection activities b. including cultural safety principles in the RACP training curriculum competencies c. integrating attraction, retention and organisation initiatives into a comprehensive strategy.
The College enacted its ISF in 2022 via several initiatives, including:
  • A Fee Reimbursement Initiative, which is designed to remove financial barriers for eligible Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, Māori and/or Pasifika trainees. The program covers the cost of annual training and/or exams for eligible participants.
  • A Deadly Doctors online community (ROC), which was launched as a secure forum for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander trainers to debate, discuss, ask questions and to connect with each other.
  • A Coaching Pilot, which is underway for eligible Māori Basic Trainees in Aotearoa New Zealand to support the well-being and performance of these trainees. A Coaching Pilot is in development for the College’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander trainees, to be launched later in 2022.
  • Work commenced on the planning and development of an Indigenous cultural safety training program for staff, senior leaders and committee members in both Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia. This work supports Priority Four of the Indigenous Strategic Framework and will support AMC reporting on cultural safety training for committee members. People and Culture are leading this work.