RACP Annual Report 2022
© 2023 The Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Goal two
curriculum renewal
Basic Training Curricula The new Basic Training program rollout is in its second year, with approximately 130 trainees in the Foundation phase (first year) and approximately 90 trainees in the Consolidation phase.
Advanced Training Curricula Renewal
In previous years, the College Education Committee approved common curricula standards for learning, teaching and assessment to be used as the baseline for specialty curricula development.
We worked with six specialties as part of the first wave of Advanced Training curricula development:
  1. Cardiology (Adult Medicine)
  2. Cardiology (Paediatrics & Child Health)
  3. Gastroenterology
  4. Geriatric Medicine
  5. Nephrology
  6. Rehabilitation Medicine.
The six specialties will release their revised curriculum early in 2023. Planning is underway for additional specialties to participate in the curricula renewal process.