A message from the Board
A message from the Board
Please read the highlights of key issues discussed at the RACP Board meeting on 19 August 2022. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss these matters further at president@racp.edu.au. Dr Jacqueline Small, President and Chair RACP Board.
Strategic Matters
Improvements in the College’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Resources.
We have supported a new CPD Strategy which will see an expansion of our resources for members to access generalist and specialty-specific CPD content. We will see the development of greater networking between peers through the ROC and other avenues to enable shared learning opportunities.
Our CPD services will include automatic recording of CPD activities undertaken via the RACP Online Learning Platform and an app is to be developed to streamline and automate the recording process further.
The CPD experience will support members’ needs and interests, providing greater personalisation and increased support from a member service team with an understanding of professional practice for the physician.
Delivery of a refreshed RACP Foundation Strategy
We are supportive of the RACP Foundation and confirm our intention to improve the Foundation’s profile and investment in the current and future membership.
We have re-launched the College’s Life Member Engagement Program and reinvigorated the promotion of the RACP Foundation in its 30th year.
Bullying in Physician Environments
We are committed to responding to the impact of bullying, discrimination, and sexual harassment for our members. We had an in-depth discussion to assess what steps the College can take, accreditation of training settings, and enhancing relationships between the College and training settings.
A number of recommendations have been considered, and we will seek feedback from our College Education Committee and College Trainees’ Committee to assist in building on this work.
Member Health and Wellbeing Strategy
There are several pieces of work underway through the Member Health and Wellbeing Committee, Membership Diversity Advisory Group, and the College Education and Trainees’ Committee Safe Training Summit to address member health and wellbeing.
We feel this work is an absolute priority for the College and will consider how we support the coordination of these activities going forward.
Strategic Plan Success
We are progressing well against our Strategic Plan, with deliverables largely on track. The plan enhances our role as a College.
AoNZ President-Elect
We are delighted to confirm the appointment of Dr Hamish McCay as Aotearoa New Zealand President-Elect 2022-2024. We give Hamish our deep congratulations and look forward to working closely with him.
Other Business Matters
We approved a number of appointments to Peak Bodies, Divisional Councils, Faculty Councils, and Regional Committees. We offer our thanks to our committed members taking on these College Body positions. Your work is important to the College, and as a Board, we greatly appreciate your efforts.
Cultural Safety Professional Standards
We want to thank the College’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Committee, Māori Health Committee, Curriculum Advisory Group, and the Professional Practice team for their work on developing a new Professional Practice Framework (PPF) domain and standard for cultural safety.
The Professional Practice Framework defines the ten domains of professional practice for all physicians, forms the basis of the new RACP curriculum model, and describes expectations for all graduates of RACP training programs.
The replacement of the previous domain and standard highlights our progress in this area, and the further work that will need to be completed to embed this across the curriculum.
The replaced definition, the standard, and the work implementing and assessing are going to change how physicians approach Indigenous patients, families, team members, and communities through their work.